July 18 2018
Note: If you want ambition news to stay alive, recruit a few of your friends as users by the end of this week. Otherwise, we’re going to go offline for now, and might make another stronger attempt at it in the future. We’re getting more engagement on twitter: @FeynmanThomas
1. On starting companies
A good way to get better at making money in business is to run a business and work on increasing how much money it makes.
I think it would be a great idea for future founders to start boring, “clone” businesses early in their life, to get better at turning money into more money, before the “big one.” Many mega-successful founders had smaller businesses earlier in life (Travis Kalanick, Garrett Camp, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, etc.)
2. On the value of personal reflection, independent thinking, knowing yourself
3. On what’s important in life
4. On fundraising
The last point sums up the rest.
5. On the value of networking
6. On self-image
From Psycho-Cybernetics.
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