Daily Links For Future Founders – Ambition News

June 27 2018


1. On fundraising (Link)

If you’re laptopping 910 you’re not paying attention

If you’re in a pitch meeting and the other person is on their laptop, they’re probably not paying attention.

2. On learning data science (Link)

I wanna learn how to do statistics! (or “data science”, whatever kids are calling it these days) What side projects/online courses do you recommend I start with?

This twitter thread has great recommendations for learning data science.

3. On wealth building (Link)

Don’t forget, your 20’s are for building wealth and maintaining your health.

Do not be swayed into poor decision making by your friends who are “living it up” and booking flights left and right.

Good perspective.

4. On skill levels (Link)

I have been on a 19 company boards & have interacted w perhaps 250 directors

These ppl, decent & intelligent though they were, simply did not know enough about business and/or care enough abt shareholders to question foolish acquisitions or egregious compensation

Buffett, 2002

Related - most people just don’t care that much about {being wealthy, being impactful, etc}. If you’re obsessed with the idea, you’re at a big advantage.

5. On networking (Link)

Good ex of how to ask for an informational interview:

See the twitter link for a good example of how to ask for an informational interview. This works well for asking for customer development interviews.

Please share with friends (or not if you do not love this).

Ambition News.