Daily Links For Future Founders – Ambition News

June 28 2018


1. On life (Link)

Pleasure is 10x more intense than contentment, but contentment lasts 100X as long. Contentment is a better investment.

2. On getting advice (Link)

Be careful who you listen to. Quality of the advice you receive is directly correlated to the quality of the person you seek it from.

Also: be careful about how you process the advice you get. In general, when I get advice, I seek the data/stories/evidence behind the advice, because then I can “merge” that evidence with the rest of my worldview/knowledge. Advice without the data is very hard to evaluate.

3. On happiness

A book recommendation: “The Hacking of the American Mind”

It might impact the way you view happiness.

4. On success (Link)

Everyone wants to be successful until its time to do things that successful people do


Antidote: Remind yourself why you want to achieve your goals, and why you’re likely capable of getting there.

5. On product(Link)

First make the software work, then make it fast, then make it pretty. #product

Yes. Prove the value hypothesis first. Do growth later.

Bonus: 6. What high schools should teach (Link)

-Public speaking

-How to study and learn/test taking

-Personal finance: investing, budgeting

-Basic health: nutrition, exercise, quantified self

-How government works, how social change happens

-How to network

-Growth mindset

-Mental toughness

Seems like a good list.

Practical takeaway: find a great book on each of these, and read them. Email [email protected] if you want recommendations.

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Ambition News.